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Plus Package – Two Hour 1:1 Call + Detailed Report

Original price was: £200.00.Current price is: £99.00.

This is our more extensive 1:1 package, for those who need a bit longer to talk about issues. Perhaps you want to audit your parental settings set up, or even want to hop on a game or screenshare so we can give you live commentary on the things you need to know about the games your children are playing. We follow this up with a detailed report covering what we discuss on the call, along with any additional thoughts or pointers.



This is our more extensive 1:1 package, for those who need a bit longer to talk about issues. Perhaps you want to audit your parental settings set up, or even want to hop on a game or screenshare so we can give you live commentary on the things you need to know about the games your children are playing. We follow this up with a detailed report covering what we discuss on the call, along with any additional thoughts or pointers.


Package includes…

1:1 Voice or Video call with one of the hosts of The Dopamine Slot Machine.

A detailed 3+ page follow up of topics discussed.

1 year membership to our Substack.

Additional information



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