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Platinum Package – In Depth call + Comprehensive Report

Original price was: £400.00.Current price is: £199.00.

You’ve listened to the podcast, you’ve read the blog pages, and you want to be as comprehensively up to date with the state of modern gaming and how it could impact your children as possible. This gets you a direct line to both of us, and gives us enough time to go through your child’s game library and show you exactly what you need to know.



You’ve listened to the podcast, you’ve read the blog pages, and you want to be as comprehensively up to date with the state of modern gaming and how it could impact your children as possible. This gets you a direct line to both of us, and gives us enough time to go through your child’s game library and show you exactly what you need to know.


1:1 Voice or Video call with both of the hosts of The Dopamine Slot Machine for up to 3 hours.

A 1 pager follow up of topics discussed.

Membership to our Substack.

Membership of The Dopamine Slot Machine supporters Whatsapp group – ask us questions anytime!

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